Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should

Let's face it. If the pandemic taught us anything it is that you can literally do almost anything right from home. Armed with a keyboard and an internet connection, the world is clearly accessible from your couch. So, in an era where you see the online delivery guy way more than you see your spouse, it seems plausible that when booking travel, you might as well go at it alone.

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Why Us? Why Now? Why Not?!?!

Everyone's journey is different. Some people get to a point in their life when they contemplate buying a fast car, getting a new tattoo or frankly telling their boss to "take this job and shove it." Others make peace with who they are and where they've been and meander peacefully within the existence they've spent years creating. Us? When we were staring in the face of "someday" retirement with the question of "what next" on our minds, we wanted to create an opportunity that would fuel our passion for being productive (you can't just turn that off you know) partnered with a chance to have a self-run business where we called the shots. After too many years to mention working in education and in marketing, we daydreamed about a way to combine our passion for travel with a way to continue to utilize our skills helping people and being super creative. 

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